Pride Living is pleased to present its 3rd Additional Services Industry Insights Report. From our experience working with clients in making Additional Services happen, we publish this report with the intent to guide Providers in understanding:

How Additional Services is performing in the industry and where it is heading
The benefits – for both the Provider and the Resident
The legislative background and potential risks leading to non-compliance
The importance of a well-structured approach and third party oversight

Our report will feature our market research on Additional Services with over 200 facilities across Australia and also include case studies to demonstrate how we’ve helped clients navigate through the complexities. We trust this report will provide your organisation with valuable insight on Additional Services.

How has the industry responded?

The conversation we have with Providers has shifted.  It is no longer about the risk of providing Additional Services, but instead the risk of being left behind or not doing it right.


Where does your organisation want to be?

Partner – Finance & Operations

To find out more on how we can help you, contact James Saunders on 02 9060 6445 or email